Sunday, February 12, 2012

Frustration with base agencies

I think know some of my agitation with living here in Seoul comes from the base agencies and how they are run. Today I had yet another aggravating trying character building frustrating experience with one agency in particular. 

Princess LOVES her dance classes. I doubt she will grow up to be a prima-ballerina, but that is not why I drag my self to these classes with her. I take her to these classes because she enjoys twirling in dizzying circles, dressing up in tu-tus, and strutting her stuff like the finest peacock on the farm.

Last week Princess was to start a second dance class (yes a second, meaning two...told she liked to strut her stuff) with the new instructor on base. I was excited because I was hearing AWESOME stuff about the new teacher, I was looking forward to the breath of fresh air she was toted as being. We arrived to learn that class had been cancelled because there were not enough girls signed up. Okay. Why does the other parent have to call the agency on base who handles these types of classes the day of the class while we are waiting to find out. Other parent is told on the phone that an email was sent out, more specifically the email that contains the monthly calendar. Fine.

We go home, I check my email. Nope, not a word in the monthly calendar about a cancelled dance class. We did get an email about the cancelled class...later that afternoon. 

Today we show up at scheduled time. Again building is dark and locked. Again the other mother called the base agency in charge. Today their story was that they called the teacher and she was on her way. Yet the new third mom was on the phone with the teacher at the time who was at a meeting off base, had NOT been called by this agency (as she was currently on the phone with third mom), and had been told by said agency that her Monday classes would not be starting until after the President's Day holiday.

In true Mama fashion I marched my aggravated heiny to the agency responsible and let them know how I felt. A few deer in the headlights, several apologies later (from them) I left feeling a bit better....nonetheless still agitated. 

We shall see if in two weeks we will really have a class......

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